Back to life...
So here I'm seated in my HO (Home office) re-shuffling all memories of last 20 days.
It has been a long wonderful trip to my Europe, my Italy, my mountains with my wife, my parents and my friends all.
Many news, many thoughts, many joyous moments.
And as usual, as for all the things that we would like never end, it comes to an end.
Today Sunday 26th August, we're here with many type others of mountains, me with all documents and work to be done, a new schedule for the week, a new strategy to develop for near future and a mountain of business ideas to develop (yes, because there are a lot of business opportunity right out there, just simply our eyes are not open wide enough to see them) for the long term future, re-arranging our bags to be ready for a new fight tomorrow morning in office.
My wife with small hills (not those of shoes) of clothes split by different colors, material, all destinate to her lover for this week : the washing machine.
65 kg into 2 large cargo bag fully loaded of clothes (many but just enough for these 3 weeks), books (that we didn't read and we won't read forever), shoes, etc. etc..
Our head is quite heavy today, not sure whether because stepping outside of our house is like entering in a full running oven, or simply because our memories and worries are too many to carry all together.
So, do you want to help us ? Okay, I'll let you carry some of our memories, our thoughts that I'm going to share with you here above.
I'm not a journalist so don't pretend a detailed report. Simply ask if you curios to know.
And to those of you all that want to know why we love mountains so much, well come in Malaysia and live with 30+ 'C for whole year and once you will get a chance to fly away, I doubt you'll choose a sea side destination, right ?
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