So late so busy so busy
Hi folks!
It has been a long time since no news from this part of the world.
I believe you didn't miss me at all, right ?
Anyway sorry! I've been very very busy and soooo many things happened !
I will talk about this in next couple of days!
Okay so here is the deal for the next few weeks....
I'm planning to move back Italy in a couple of month to re-arrange and settle some important pending matters. So my time is thight especially considering that, I've decided (I should stop to watch some stupid show on tv late in the night) against any rules of logical thoughts that I'm re-arranging and setting up the offices in Malaysia one more time, to be sure that, on my way to Italy, I will not receive a phone call like: "Ehi Paolo, we can't access the server #2" or something like "Ehi Paolo, this morning the printer is not printing".
Yes Yes I have a multi purpose runner and service man but you know me....
So for the next couple of months I will split my daily (well, weekly if not monthly) posts into 3 sections each:
- Funny video of the day/week
- Funny photo of the day/week
- Personal considerations about anything sateliting (wow, google you don't have this word, right ?) and crossing my life.
So here we are for today, well for yesterday as this post is in the draft for almost 24 hours...
This if the funny video of the day.
It's amazing computer elaborated video but really shocking and impressive:
And this is the photo/comic for today.
Have a nice day my friends!